Cloves and Onion: A Natural Treatment for Hair Growth

Is your hair thinning or shedding? Are you looking for a way to get thicker hair? Onion and clove for hair growth. I have been struggling with hair loss for years. In this article, I will show you my secret to regaining my hair growth. Cloves and Onion remedy for hair growth.

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cloves and onion for hair growth

How to Use Cloves and Onion for Hair Growth

To prepare this recipe from Onion Clove powder, you will need a medium onion, an onion cut into pieces random onion rich in sulfur, which helps to strengthen the hair, especially red onion richer in sulfur than white onion. Now take a bowl and put the onion pieces inside. Add a medium-sized glass of powdered water for nails and nails and add two tablespoons of crushed nails wait until they cool, then cool and drain.

cloves and onion for hair growth

Onion juice is a safe method that stimulates hair growth. Here is how to use onion juice to treat hair problems

Every one of us wants healthy and shiny hair. We continue to look for ways that we can have long and beautiful hair. In addition, no one wants to deal with hair loss and baldness, early gray hair, and many other problems related to the company. However, if you are also trying to regrow hair that you’ve lost or just want to improve the hair that you have, you can use onion juice to treat hair problems.

Onion juice is a safe way to stimulate hair growth and promote hair growth. This is one of the best ways to treat hair problems. Onion juice improves hair growth by increasing the level of antioxidants. Nourishes the hair follicles with their rich sulfur content. The rich sulfur content also helps reduce hair thinning and breakage.

Onion is a safe, natural, and affordable home remedy that may be perfect for your hair. Now, if you are allergic to onions, do not try any of the onion juice treatments on your hair. Here is how to use onion juice to treat hair problems.

How to make onion juice for hair growth

Steps you can take to make onion juice for hair growth.

  • Step 1: First, take two or three depending on the length of your hair.
  • Step 2: Next, chop and grind in a blender.
  • Step 3: sift the gauze cloth into a bowl.
  • Step 4: Finally, cool it.

You should keep in mind that often onion juice can irritate the scalp, and therefore it is always better to mix it with soothing agents such as coconut oil, honey, or aloe Vera.

The aroma of onion juice is very spicy. Now, if you want to hide the smell, you can mix a few drops of essential oils. You can use lavender oil or tea tree oil with onion juice on your hair.

Hair mask with onion juice and honey for hair growth

It is very simple and easy to make an onion juice hair mask with honey. All you have to do is mix two tablespoons of onion juice extracted with a teaspoon of honey. Apply it to your hair and let it stand for 20 minutes, after which wash it off.

This hair mask will help hair grow and also add the shine that your hair needs. It even reduces any type of inflammation of the scalp and dandruff.

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How to Use Cloves and Onion for Hair Growth

Hair mask with onion juice and castor oil for hair growth

Like the onion juice and honey mask. You can make onion juice and a hair mask with castor oil. All you have to do is mix the onion juice with castor oil. You need to take onion juice and castor oil in equal proportions and mix well. After mixing well, apply it on your scalp an hour before washing your hair.

You can apply this mask twice or three times per week will help your hair to grow beautifully. It will also keep your hair healthy. You can even use coconut oil or any other oil instead of castor oil. There are even those who claim that the monthly application of castor oil can increase hair growth by up to six times the usual rate.

Hair growth mask with onion juice and aloe Vera

Another way to make a hair mask is to mix the onion juice with aloe Vera. You just need to squeeze the onion juice using a blender, grater, or juicer. After that, take out the juice and mix well with aloe Vera gel. You can add drops of olive oil.

Do hair separation, apply onion juice, and massage your scalp. Leave for at least 30 minutes (longer if you can tolerate the smell), then wash. Of course, for the best results, you can use this remedy 2-3 times a week.

Onion mask and ginger juice for hair growth

And ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. To make onion juice and ginger for hair growth, you need to combine the ginger and onion juice. Take both in the same proportion and mix well. When finished, apply this mixture to your scalp and gently massage your scalp with circular movements.

Leave the oil for about an hour, then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. You can apply this mask once every day. Ginger increases blood circulation while reducing hair loss and improving hair quality.

Onion juice and egg mask for hair growth

To make an onion juice and egg mask, you will need 1 tablespoon of onion juice and 1 whole egg. All you have to do is combine the onion juice with the egg to get a smooth mixture. When finished, apply this mixture to your scalp and along with your hair. After application, wear a shower cap to avoid damage.

Wait about 20-30 minutes, then wash your hair with cold water and shampoo moderately. To get good results you can apply this mask or mask at least 1-2 times per week. You can even add a few drops of essential oil to the smell. The high protein content in eggs helps nourish and keep hair healthy, while onion juice stimulates the scalp to promote hair growth.

Products that could help you: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Organic Coconut Oil

Jojoba oil

Rosemary oil

Organic Castor Oil

Organic Nigella Oil


Laurel (Leaves)


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